D2 Oil Tools LLC Receives Final Approval for Mexico Patent on Revolutionary Floating Drift Tool

D2 Oil Tools LLC Receives Final Approval for Mexico Patent on Revolutionary Floating Drift Tool

HOUSTON, TX – D2 Oil Tools LLC proudly announces the final approval of its Mexico Patent No. 418942 for the innovative Floating Drift Tool, a groundbreaking technology already recognized in the United States under a previously granted patent.

The Floating Drift Tool, invented by industry veterans Dan Todd Bomersbach and Danny Joe Richardson, represents a significant advancement in oil rig tubular drifting operations, offering the safest, most efficient, and cost-effective method available in today’s market.

“This patent approval in Mexico expands our international protection for a technology that’s changing how drifting operations are conducted,” said Dan Bomersbach, co-inventor and company representative.

Key Benefits of the Floating Drift Tool:

  • Eliminates Physical Drifting and Slickline Gauge Ring Runs: Significantly reducing operational costs
  • Prevents Over-Torqued Connections: Mitigating potential problems with connections and debris
  • Reduces Workstring Issues: Prevents over-torqued workstrings and debris problems during completion and drilling operations
  • Enhanced Safety: Addresses catching problems on the surface

Industry professionals interested in learning more about this innovative technology can view an animation video demonstrating how the Floating Drift works at https://vimeo.com/498801575/de5aa49a07.

For additional information about D2 Oil Tools and its revolutionary products, visit www.d2oiltools.com or the company’s LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/company/d2-oil-tools.

Dan Bomersbach
+1 281-765-2294 (US)
[email protected]


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